Dear Great Book Guru, What a fun Sea Cliff Thanksgiving weekend just passed and so many exciting things coming up: the Holiday House Tour and Crafts Sale on Saturday, Dec 3 and then the Tree Lighting on the Village Green the next day at 5pm! While I always try to have a good book waiting for me at home or on my Kindle, when will I find time to read? Perhaps you have something good that I can get into quickly? Holiday Reveler
Dear Holiday Reveler, Perfect timing- my dear friend and fellow literary enthusiast Tina Marchese just stopped by bearing culinary treats from Martha's Vineyard and a wonderful book recommendation: MRS. KIMBLE by Jennifer Haigh. You might remember another Haigh novel many of us loved : FAITH. While the topic and format is strikingly different, this too is a real winner . It is told from the perspective of Charlie, son of the first Mrs. Kimble, a troubled coed from the 1950's . As the novel and time go on, we meet Joan, a wealthy journalist, and finally Dinah, the youngest and last of the Ken Kimble's wives. Through the lives of each of these women, we get a glimpse of the changing religious, social and political mores of the country .We are well into the novel before we meet Ken and then we only know him through the women he marries and his son . While Ken is an interesting character- charismatic, devious, selfish , duplicitous -another tale of "smart women, foolish choices" it is the wives' stories that are most compelling. .A really enjoyable and thought-provoking read !