Dear Great Book Guru, This weekend I will be at Dinner
& THE DEAD at the Metropolitan Bistro. I had tried to attend last
month, but it was quickly sold out. Well, it sold out again, but I learned my
lesson and got my tickets early on. I’ve read “The Dead” by James Joyce many
times, so now I would like to read a contemporary Irish writer to get me in the
spirit of things. Any recommendations? Interested in All Things Irish
Dear Interested…. I recently read Kevin Barry’s NIGHT BOAT
TO TANGIER - a New York Times choice as one of the ten top books of 2019. Two
longtime friends, Maurice and Charlie - aging Irish gangsters - spend the night
in a seamy ferry terminal awaiting the arrival of young Dilly - the estranged
daughter of Maurice. The men have shared much - a sordid drug operation
spanning many years, a failed real estate scheme, and…. Cynthia, Maurice’s
wife. The hollow grimness of their existence, their menacing overtures
throughout the evening, and the futility of their mission are all couched in
horrifying albeit beautiful prose. Is it love these men share or is it simply a
painful history? As chapters alternate between the past and present - between
Ireland and Spain - we come to see how their dreams unraveled. Highly recommended!