Dear Great
Book Guru, I am so excited - my favorite author Anne Tyler’s latest book has
just been released, and I can’t wait to
read it - just the thing for a cold, blustery Sea Cliff day! Have you read it
yet – can’ t wait to hear your thoughts.
An Anne Tyler Fan
Dear Anne
Tyler Fan, I too love Anne Tyler and THREE DAYS IN JUNE - her twenty-fifth
novel - has my overwhelming approval. The narrator of the story is Gail Baines
and from the start we have reason to question her reliability. Like so many of
Tyler’s characters, Gail is quirky or as her supervisor says: “she lacks people
skills.” We meet Gail on the day before
her daughter’s wedding. She has just been either fired or resigned from her job
(depending upon whom you ask) as an administrator at a private school. She
arrives home to find, much to her dismay, her ex-husband Max settling in with a
rescue cat he has brought along for the
wedding - despite the groom’s deathly allergy to cats. At the rehearsal dinner
that night her daughter tells her parents a secret she has just found out that
might cause her to cancel the wedding. For the next two days Gail reminisces about
the past and questions decisions she herself has made. While there is much
humor throughout, Tyler shows such great compassion and understanding for Gail,
the reader comes to feel a profound appreciation for her and all her
eccentricities. Highly recommended!