Sunday, February 17, 2019

Dear Great Book Guru, Friends and I gathered for a pre-Valentine dinner last weekend. Over a fabulous winter soup, we discussed at length the state of the republic and many people mentioned a favorite of yours, HOW DEMOCRACIES DIE, but someone said there was a new book out with a similar theme. Are you familiar with it?   Valentine Politico

Dear Valentine Politico, MORTAL REPUBLIC by Edward J. Watts is a fascinating look into the fall of Rome and the parallels that exist in the United States today. What brought down the Roman Republic? Corrupt leaders, pestilence, civil war, and foreign interference all played a role in its end, but Watts believes it was the Roman people - who ultimately chose the comfort of living under the power of one man rather than the arduous task of maintaining a representative government.  Income inequality, bribe-taking, voter suppression, condoning of violence, the breakdown of norms - all contributed to the gradual downfall of the Republic.  The Roman system of governance lasted for centuries but it was not immortal – a fact Romans refused to accept.  There was an overriding belief that its strength would prevail because it had endured so well for so long.  When a series of natural disasters - massive flooding, fires, famine and a series of bizarre storms – beset Rome, the citizens were primed to give up their freedom to a charismatic dictator who promised them deliverance… and thus ended the Roman Republic. Highly recommended!

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