Dear Great Book Guru, My book group has included films of
interest for some of our virtual meetings, and we recently discussed Spike
Lee’s DO THE RIGHT THING. We all had so
much to say about this 1989 film that I was wondering if there was a book that
might stimulate a similar spirited discussion.
Any thoughts? A Summer to
Dear Summer to Remember, I just read a book that covers many
of the topics your movie probably discussed, especially the sense of
neighborhood and the part that it plays in our lives. James McBride’s DEACON
KING KONG opens in September 1969 with the killing of a young drug dealer in
Brooklyn. The highly unlikely assailant is an elderly deacon from Five Ends
Baptist Church - a man known as Sportscoat.
The novel analyzes the impact the murder has on the African-American and
Latino residents who witnessed it, members of the church where Sportscoat had
served as deacon for many years, the
local police, the neighborhood’s Italian
mobsters, and Sportscoat himself. We also learn about the victim and his family…
and most vividly this South Brooklyn neighborhood and the Causeway Housing
Projects where the story unfolds. We see that the lives of all these people
overlap in many, many ways and truth is hard to define. McBride’s compassion for his characters is
evident throughout making this a highly recommended choice!
Very Poetic. To launch a Children's book, reviews are very important. Try to get more visibility and sales in a crowded marketplace.