Dear Great Book Guru, Last week I was at Sea Cliff Beach for Story Time . It was such fun- I loved the version of Red Riding Hood that was presented, especially when it turned out that the Wolf did not want to devour anyone- all he wanted was an invitation to the Anzalone/DiPietro wedding, which he received to cheers and great applause from the audience. Well, while we were all marveling at this unusual turn of events, someone mentioned a novel that also took liberties with a traditional story line. I think the title was DECEPTIONS but I'm not sure . Have you read it and if so would you recommend it? Fan of the Fractured Fairy Tale
Dear Fan of the Fractured Fairy Tale, That was a particularly clever retelling of Red Riding Hood and, yes, I have read DECEPTIONS by Rebecca Frayn, a celebrated British filmmaker and first time novelist. Set outside of London in the present time, the novel is narrated by Julian who is living with a young widow and her two children. Julian has just told the children that he and their mother are planning to marry in a few months. The twelve-year-old boy seems resentful but says little. The next day, he leaves for school and does not return; an extensive police search ensues. His whereabouts remain unknown until…… The title comes from the many truths about the boy, his friends, and his family that gradually unfold. Apparently, there have been multiple deceptions. The plot is riveting and the characters richly developed, especially Julian and Annie, the boy's mother. A real page turner!
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